Rebuild with Love: the 2025 Summer Institute Theme
Rebuild With Love
–נבנה על ידי אהבה
נשוב להבנות, והעולם עמנו יבנה, על ידי אהבת חנם
How did we come up with the theme?
First, we went to the parsha and haftorah readings for ideas. Spoiler: it’s Matot-Masei, again, for Tammuz 26, 5785! No particular verses jumped out, so then we looked at overall themes: journey, wilderness, destinations, descendants, inheritance, generations (l’dor v’dor). We discussed the appeal of each, looked at the list of previous themes to avoid overlap, and researched for verses to develop a theme or slogan around any of these broad ideas.
We gently rejected all of these, and re-focused on what we want to accomplish with this year’s theme. Audacious hospitality, radical acceptance, and welcoming tents bubbled up, alongside the concept that everyone has something to bring (freewill offerings). We kept coming back to the building of the mishkan, pleasant faces, rebuilding our community, and being welcoming. We eventually narrowed down to two ideas: kabbalat panim–greeting everyone with a pleasant countenance, from Pirkei Avot 1:15 (Shammai), and ahavat chinam–baseless love, from Orot HaKodesh 3:3:4:10 (Rav Kook), and selected
Rebuild With Love
–נבנה על ידי אהבה
נשוב להבנות, והעולם עמנו יבנה, על ידי אהבת חנם
for our 2025 NHC Summer Institute theme.
“If we were destroyed, and the world with us, due to baseless hatred, then we will come back to be rebuilt, and the world will be rebuilt along with us, though ahavat chinam –baseless love)” lead us to talking about rebuilding, about resilient listening, about wholeheartedness, about the cracks where the lights come in, and above all, of inclusive welcoming of everyone where they are, and with all the gifts they have to offer, including the gift of simply showing up and being present, with their whole selves.
We hope you will wholeheartedly join us in in Reisterstown, MD July 28- August 3, 2025 to Rebuild With Love for NHC’s Summer Institute!
Please save the date, consider what gifts you can bring: course or workshop to teach, a logo design, or a late night program, or your volunteer time and energy. Please feel free to share this message with potential leaders who might be interested in one of our value-added residencies.
–The 2025 Core Team