Tisha B’Av at Summer Institute 2025

The theme “Rebuilding with Love” was chosen in part because of the timing of Institute and Tisha B’Av.  This year we are ending on Tisha B’Av.  That hasn’t happened since 1992!
This causes some logistical challenges: driving home while fasting for those who fast, Eicha reading instead of a dance party for Saturday night, and a much toned down Havdallah instead of our normal celebration.  It also gives us the opportunity to develop creative responses to destruction and rebuilding that are the themes of Tisha B’Av, Havurah, and all the challenges that face us in the world today.  The Core Team is working with the Artists in Residence, the Liturgist in Residence and the Hollander Weisbard Social Justice Fellow to bring this discussion into the week as well as our commemoration on Saturday night and Sunday morning.
Anyone who would like to chant parts of Eicha  (Lamentations) or lead one or some of the Kinot (liturgical poems) on Saturday night or Sunday morning should contact us and we will put you in touch with Joe Gelles, our davening coordinator. ( You can also contact him about reading Torah or Haftorah or leading any davening during the week.)
If you would like to help in creating the service and/or an alternative program for Saturday night, please contact the Core Team and coreteam@havurah.org.
Remember we are a volunteer run organization.  Please put the U in HavUrah!