Online Offerings

At the National Havurah Committee, every teacher is a student and every student is a teacher. We have successfully connected and shared with each other in new ways at our online Summer Institute and have been inspired to continue that opportunity throughout the Fall of 2020.

Please fill this form out if you would like to provide an online offering to the NHC community for 1-1.5 hours. This offering could be a workshop (on topics ranging from text study to song swaps to challah-baking), davening or other forms of spiritual life, kids or intergenerational activity, hosted online dinners, board games, story-telling, movie nights, or other ways to connect! Please let us know what kind of offering you would like to share! We will collect descriptions and share a compilation with the community once or twice a month. To enable that process, please submit your proposal at least 2 weeks in advance. The NHC will provide light tech assistance, and the presenter will handle the rest. (Feel free to complete the form multiple times for multiple offerings.)

Questions? Email Sue Gulack ( or  the NHC Office (


Online Offering Application


Guidelines and Best Practices for Online Presenters