• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. "Ir Miklat - City of Refuge."

Fabrangen Kabbalah Exploration Group (online)

Join Fabrangen for the Kabbalah Exploration Group

every Monday: 5:00- 7:00 pm EST.

About the Kabbalah Exploration Group
We search for deeper spirituality in our Jewish practice.  The class focuses on four themes:
1. Kabbalistic interpretations of core Jewish  prayers;
2. The kabbalistic interpretations of Torah, focusing on the Zohar sections on the Parshat Ha Shavuah
3. Open discussion on the just past weekly Torah portion
4. Kabbalistic meaning of the Jewish Holidays.
It is a free class meeting weekly from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm EST every Monday. Members drop in when they can. The first hour is more basic for newcomers and the second hour explores and decodes the Zohar.  Participants can come when they wish for as long as wish.
The class is conducted by Professor Jay McCrensky, whose PhD is in Kabbalah and Jewish Thought from Baltimore Hebrew University,  Dr. McCrensky has published two books on Kabbalah, both available on Amazon: Understanding Evil and Ethics through Kabbalah and Connecting to Judaism:Spirituality through Kabbalah. He is the founder of the Institute for Contemporary Kabbalah.
Please RSVP if coming, to Dr. McCrensky at jmccrensky@aol.com
Click HERE to join this session.
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