• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. This year's theme is "Ir Miklat- City of Refuge."

Children and Families at Institute

Attending the Havurah Institute as a child or with children strengthens our amazing multigenerational community! From Kids Camp to the Teen Program, young people are an integral part of the Institute.

Click below for information about:

Kids Camp

Evening Childcare

Teens coming to Institute (coming soon)

Family Buddies (coming soon)

Kids Camp Staff Positions


We want to help make it possible for you to come and for your week to be a wonderful experience. If you need support or have questions, please be in touch with us at:

Kids Camp kidscamp@main.havurah.org

Financial Aid grants@main.havurah.org

Attending with Children family@havurah.org

Accessibility accessibility@havurah.org

Evening Childcare childcare@havurah.org

General Questions office@havurah.org


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