• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. This year's theme is "Ir Miklat- City of Refuge."

Core Team 2018

דַּבְּרוּ עַל־לֵב

“Speak to the Heart”
– Isaiah 40:2 

The theme for this year’s Institute is“Dabru al Lev – Speak to the Heart”(Isaiah 40:2, Haftarah for Shabbat Nachamu).  When we “speak to the heart” and connect with one another with compassion and authenticity, we open ourselves to real relationship and to new perspectives.  Speaking gently yet honestly, no matter how challenging the subject matter, is a courageous act that plants seeds of transformation. We are excited to gather with you at NHC to co-create a dynamic, intergenerational community that fosters curiosity, love of Torah, and heart connection. We look forward to seeing you in July! 

~The Institute 2018 Core Planning Team

Listen to the Dabru Al Lev theme song here:

Click here for the lyrics.

Meet the Institute 2018 Core Team!

Sue Gulack

Sue has been coming to NHC for 30 years.  She is thrilled to be on the core team and will still be offering her signature workshop on kippah crocheting.  In past years she has taught classes ranging from psalms to stories of Tsadikim, Ahavat Hinam and sign language prayer.  When not in prison or a psychiatric hospital (as a chaplain in both) she is often found in proximity to yarn or in a swimming pool, sometimes both at the same time.  Her other passions include davening, singing and reading. Her sons grew up attending Institutes and the younger plans his summers around working at Kids Camp.



Malkah Binah Klein

Malkah Binah is honored to serve on this year’s core team.  She first came to NHC as an Everett Fellow (what Zeitler Fellows used to be called) in 1995, and that experience of creative, dynamic, queer-friendly Jewish living was deeply transformative for her.  Three generations of her family now come to NHC. She taught a course last year at NHC on “Spiritual Practices for Thriving in these Times” and served as Liturgist-in-Residence in 2016, which included drawing a labyrinth on campus. She blogs at thrivingspirit.org.  



Lisë Stern

Lisë is excited tobe in the unique position of serving on the core team for two consecutive years. Her first Institute was in 2013, and she’s been attending ever since. She grew up in the Adas Israel Havurah in Washington, DC, and is now part of the Temple Beth Shalom (aka the Tremont Street Shul) lay-led community in Cambridge, Mass. She edits a food magazine, books, and essays; writes on food, travel, health, and Jewish topics; and does culinary product development. Other passions include theatre, improv, daily yoga, haftarah reading, and text study.

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