• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. This year's theme is "Ir Miklat- City of Refuge."

Children and Families at Institute 2020

Attending the Havurah Institute as a child or with children strengthens our amazing multigenerational community! Young people are an integral part of the Institute.

Click below for information about:


Evening Childcare

Kidstitute Staff Positions

Interested in pairing up with a Family Buddy?  Email the Office!


We want to help make it possible for you to come and for your week to be a wonderful experience. If you need support or have questions, please be in touch with us at:

Kidstitute kidstitute@main.havurah.org

Financial Aid grants@main.havurah.org

Attending with Children family@havurah.org

Accessibility accessibility@havurah.org

Evening Childcare childcare@havurah.org

General Questions office@main.havurah.org


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