On-Site Accessibility Roles

Cafeteria Helper
Golf Cart Drivers
Schlepping Helper
Sighted Guide
Cafeteria Helper

At Summer Institute, we try to have a rotation of volunteers available at meals to assist folks who desire an extra hand going through the line and getting seated. Volunteers arrive at the dining hall at the beginning of lunch or dinner  and offer to help participants who might have difficulty managing the process of getting food to their table.


If you are interested in this position, email office@main.havurah.org.

Golf Cart Drivers

A golf cart driver assists participants in getting to their locations with ease. You must have a driver’s license to operate the golf carts and have filled out the proper paperwork.


If you are interested in this position, email office@main.havurah.org.

Schlepping Helper

Some folks need help getting their luggage in and out.  The Accessibility Coordinator will pair them with someone to schlep their belongings.  You will be needed Monday at Check-In and Sunday at Check-Out.


If you are interested in this position, email office@main.havurah.org.

Sighted Guide

Sighted guides provide support to attendees with visual impairments so that they can navigate the campus more easily.


If you are interested in this position, email office@main.havurah.org.


During evening programming and other community-wide events, transcribers type along with presenters so that anyone with hearing difficulty or other auditory needs can read along with what is being said. Transcribers work with others to ensure spelling is corrected as they go. The words are projected on a screen.


If you are interested in this position, email office@main.havurah.org.