Reimagining Summer Institute Gathering

Reimagining Summer Institute Gathering

February 21 at 7 pm EST

Unfortunately, due to the University of Hartford’s COVID guidelines, we will not be gathering there this summer.

Join us while we envision new ways to come together for Summer Institute 2022.

We have the challenge and opportunity to reimagine what the Institute will look like this summer.  Here is a survey that we encourage you to fill out by February 15 regarding Summer Institute alternatives.  The survey results will help us to prepare for our community meeting on Monday evening, February 21 at 7 PM EST.  During the community meeting, we will study this year’s theme, V’yached L’vaveinu (Unite our Hearts), and meet in groups to begin to develop structures for this summer’s NHC gatherings and learning sessions.  The Board has discussed the possibility of regional one-day gatherings, or even a Shabbaton, if Havurot would be prepared to host.  We also imagine offering courses and community programming on-line.   Please fill out the survey and plan to join us on February 21 to help make the best possible outcome of this situation!

This event will be audio recorded

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