• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. This year's theme is "Ir Miklat- City of Refuge."

Core Team & Theme

Summer Offerings Theme

v’Yacheid L’vaveinu
Unite our hearts
וְיַחֵד לְבָבֵנוּ
לְאַהֲבָה וּלְיִרְאָה אֶת שְׁמֶךָ.

Meet the Core Team


Ahuvah (Amy) Loewenthal
Ahuvah served on the NHC Core Team in 2021. She’s excited for this opportunity to continuing serving the NHC community in a Core way! Attending Summer and Winter Institute for several years, she has come to feel she has really found her people. In particular, she lives for the NHC singing circles and zemirot tables. She loves the multiplicity of davenning options, the passionate learning and teaching, and connecting with new people at Institute.

A Reconstructionist-ordained rabbi, now living in Worcester, MA (a hotbed of Havurahniks), R. Ahuvah served a congregation in New Hampshire for eight years. Making the most of the current Zoom reality, she has been teaching, leading services, and singing all over the US and Canada, including participating in the wonderful NHC Rosh Hodesh Virtual Hallel. She enjoys biking, running, word games, and local craft beer.

Jacob Sommer


Jacob Sommer
Jacob Sommer first started attended NHC Summer Institute at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire over a decade ago, and Cheshire Hall was a special place for his family. He enjoyed his time there, and returned as often as time and work allowed. Jacob is a lifelong Massachusetts resident. He grew up near Worcester, MA, lived over a decade in the Pioneer Valley, and settled with his family outside Boston.

Besides being a creative problem solver, he enjoys composing songs and poems, performing, writing, singing, and cooking. He is pleased to help plan 2022 Summer Offerings.

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