Siyyum on Masechet Pesachim
Monday, March 22: 8:00 pm ET
Around the world people who are studying Daf Yomi, one page of Talmud a day will be completing the section of the Talmud about Pesach just in time for Pesach! Since this cycle of study takes 7 years, it doesn’t usually match up this well. Some of our own Havurahnicks have been studying the Talmud this way. We ask you to join us as we celebrate the completion of this section and share some highlights with you!
Among those presenting will be Ben Dreyfus, Neil Litt, Sol and Deborah Mowshowitz and Sue Gulack. If you have been studying the Daf and would like to participate in presenting, please let Sue Gulack know (
Pre-register here for this event.