Support the NHC!

Support the NHC on Giving Tuesday

I hope, just as I am, you are grateful for Havurah and the gifts that being part of the NHC has brought into your life.  Through the decades, NHC has strengthened individuals and Havurot through ideas and inspiration gained at our National Summer Institute and Regional retreat weekends.  Through Covid, we have established an online presence starting with Seder match ups and online Hallel, two Summer Institutes and one winter retreat, regular classes, workshops, and services.  All of this happens with your financial support.

We also want to thank and honor our long-time Board member, Tara Bognar, who is stepping down from the board.  Tara has gracefully elevated the NHC to the next level of learning, nourished a space that is warm and accessible, and maintained its values as a grassroots havurot.  The board and the staff at NHC sincerely thank Tara for her dedication to our community.

In addition, we have added some board members!  Susan Gulack is now the Chair of the NHC board (hurrah)!  Thank you Darius Sivin for your work this last year and supporting us through another online Institute.  We would like to welcome Malkah Binah Klein to the Executive board as Vice Chair.  Glenda McKinney and Cathy Bowers have also joined our full board.  This coming year will have its challenges as we navigate our safety and health guidelines, but we have strong leadership!

Looking forward to this next year, it’s important to remember that while we are mostly a volunteer run organization, we do have two amazing staff members who help keep us organized and work very hard, mostly behind the scenes.  All of this does not happen without your financial support.

Thank you for your monetary support, as well as your time and participation which keep Havurah alive!
Susan Gulack

Chair of the Board, NHC


Tachles: Ways to donate & donation information!

    • If you use automatic Bill Pay at your bank, you can set up a recurring donation.
    • You can donate online at Donations via Mastercard, Visa, or Discover are preferred. American Express charges us higher fees.  You can make a one-time or a monthly donation.
    • We can now accept donations from IRAs and stocks.
    • Our Venmo handle is @Havurah
    • If you shop using Amazon, consider selecting the NHC as your AmazonSmile charity. We will receive 0.5% of eligible purchases.
    • Does your employer have matching gifts program? Completing a matching gifts form and mailing it with your donation can double or triple your contribution.
    • We are happy to have established a banking relationship with Amalgamated Bank, a B-Corp bank that is largely Union-owned with practices and commitments that generally align with NHC values.
    • For questions or help, contact