• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. This year's theme is "Ir Miklat- City of Refuge."

Timbrel Artist-in-Residence

Timbrel Artist-in-Residence

Each year, the National Havurah Committee invites artists to teach and share their talents at the Summer Institute. Our community has enjoyed the contributions of artists of a great variety of disciplines, forms and styles.

The Timbrel Fund generously sponsors these artists. The first years of the program were generously funded by the Rita Poretsky Foundation.

2023 Application

Past Artists in Residence have included:

2021: Ava Sayaka Rosen – Storytelling through Bookbinding

Galeet Dardashti – Sephardi/Mizrahi Poetic Songs

2020: Marcela SulakEating the Bible, Writing the Table: Culinary Arts and Poetry

Rena Branson – Chassidish and Original Nigunim

2019: Tikva Hecht – DAF: Nonlinear and Collaborative Storytelling

Eli Kaplan-Wildmann – Ritual Object/Unbound Book Design

2018: Sara Felder – Solo Performance

Sabrina Sojourner – Creating Midrash

2017: Sara Zell Young – Collaborative Art and Writing of Comfort

Bill Aron – Photography

2016: Hillel Smith – Jewish Street Art

Yavni Bar-Yam – Shadow Puppetry

2014: Zoë Cohen – Towards a New Jewish Art

Eli Kaplan-Wildmann – Prophetic Street Theater

2013: Susan Leviton – Cranky Theater and Yiddish Song

Jennifer Judelsohn – Mandala/Shiviti Spiritual Drawing

2012: Michal Richardson – Israeli Folk Dancing

Jane Trigere – Art of the Wimpel

2011: Joey Weisenberg – Communal Nigunim

Jordan Herskowitz – Theatrical Storytelling

2010: Samuel Asher – Art of Sephardic Music

Natalie Lyalin and Joshua Bolton – Poetry

2009: Aviva Chernick – Music

2008: S. Bear BergmanStorytelling, Diaspora, and Survival

Heather Stolz – Quilting

2005: Ramon Tasat – Music

2004: Neta Pulvermacher – Jewish Body Language

Brian Katz – Yidrhythmics: Whole Body Musicianship

2003: Joel Lewis – Poetry

Tracey Erin Smith – Theater and Improvisation

2002: Lloyd Wolf – Photography of Meaning

2001: Eric Bass – Puppet and Mask Performance

Ann Rachel – Music for the Whole Family

2000: Alicia Ostriker – Playing with White Fire: Writing Midrash

Judy Sirota Rosenthal – Communal, Multi-Media Creativity

1998: Judi Tal – Israeli Song

Doug Lipman – Storytelling

1996: Sarah Jacobs – Text and Image: High Holiday Challah Covers

JoAnne Tucker – Exploration in Movement

1995: Peter Pitzele – Bibiodrama/Midrash

1994: Hanna Tiferet Siegel – Music

Gerry Fierst – Storytelling

1993: Liz Lerman – Improvisational Dance

Linda Hirschhorn – Contemporary Jewish Vocal Music

1992: Arthur Strimling – Theater

If you have any information about past Artists in Residence who are missing from this list, please let us know. If you have information about future Artists in Residence missing from this list, please encourage them to apply! Thank you very much to Phyllis Holman Weisbard for most of the information here!

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