• Click Here to Register for NHC's Summer Institute 2024

    See the Course Listings

    Registration deadline: June 18th

    This year’s theme of עִיר מִקְלָט “Ir Miklat: City of Refuge” can be found in a small corner of parshat Matot-Masei (Numbers 30:2 - 36:13). It epitomizes how we want this year’s institute to feel: a space where both the individual and the community at the heart of the Havurah ethos can come together in a safe space to create something meaningful, where our connections are welcoming and inclusive, fun and exciting, relaxing and energizing, and insightful and spiritually significant for our diverse community of participants.

    The Core Team envisions Institute as our City of Refuge--a place that’s safe--this year more than ever. What is it YOU need refuge from? We welcome you to join us at Pearlstone Center for sanctuary and refuge, to renew and refresh, and to play, rest, create and learn with us! Summer Institute will take place july 29-August 4, 2024.

Zeitler Fellowship

The Zeitler Fellowship is a diverse cohort of young adults who are exploring their roles as participants and emerging leaders in their Jewish communities, and who are new to the NHC community. Zeitler Fellows participate in several sessions together during their time at Institute. These sessions include opportunities to reflect on building, sustaining, and participating in their Jewish communities both within and outside of the NHC. In addition, Fellows participate in courses and everything else the Summer Institute has to offer.

A core value of the NHC is that every teacher is a student and every student is a teacher. As such, Zeitler Fellows are encouraged to lead programs at Institute for the entire community. The Fellowship — and the Summer Institute as a whole — provides an opportunity to both gain from and give to the NHC community.

Since its inception in 1990, the Zeitler Fellowship (and its predecessor, the Everett Fellowship) has helped to sustain the NHC community by bringing hundreds of young adults to Institute for the first time. Many people who first attended Institute as Fellows have become regular attendees, board members, Institute chairs, course instructors, and sustainers of this community. Expanding the network and diversity of the NHC  — in terms of age, geography, and life experience — continues to be a central goal of the Fellowship.

Zeitler Fellows pay a substantially reduced fee of $175 for tuition, room, and board. To apply for the Zeitler Fellowship, you must be between the ages of 22 and 32, interested in exploring lay-led, participatory, independent Jewish community, and willing to participate fully in the Summer Institute. Jews of Color and Jews with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. Preference is given to first-time Institute attendees.

Returning fellows receive 50% off the base ticket price for room and board (if held in Hartford in 2021).

If you have questions about the Zeitler Fellowship, please contact zeitlerfellows@havurah.org.


The NHC Summer Institute’s Fellows program was funded for over 20 years by the Henry & Edith Everett Foundation. Recognizing the vital importance of Jewish leadership training for the havurah movement and the broader Jewish community, starting in 2014 NHC’s fellowships have been supported by Frances Turim Zeitler. We are honored and grateful for her sponsorship of the Zeitler Fellows.

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