• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. "Ir Miklat - City of Refuge."

DIY Creation Activity

Dear NHC Community,

We are writing to invite you to participate in a “Do It Yourself,” asynchronous, collaborative creative experiment! Most years, the Timbrel Artists in Residence offer a concluding workshop to Institute participants. This year, we are offering creative prompts for anyone and everyone you to engage with at your own pace. You can explore them on your own or with a chavruta (study partner).

Click here to get the prompts.

We will have the opportunity to share the fruits of our exploration at a creative salon, Click here to get the Zoom link and join us at 5:00 PM Eastern on Thursday, October 27.

We hope that these prompts invite you into the spirit of creativity, awareness, and collaboration. To access the prompts, please find the PDF attached to this email.

We are looking forward to seeing and hearing about your experiences engaging with the prompts, and anything you create as a result!

Val Schlosberg and Eli Raphael, NHC Timbrel Artists in Residence 2022

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