Letters to the Community
2020 NHC Summer Institute
Please stay tuned for information about online programming and registration.
May 14, 2020- Moving Institute 2020 Online – Please join us for a kehilla gathering on May 24
April 21, 2020- COVID-19 Response Committee Update
March 13, 2020- Coronavirus Update- Letter to the Public
The theme for this year’s Summer Institute is
קֽוּמִי צְאִי מִתּוֹךְ הַהֲפֵכָה
Kumi tzei mitoch ha’hafecha
Get up, go out from amidst the upheaval
As we discussed the tone and energy we want to bring to Institute 2020, the Core Team talked about how devastating and exhausting the last few years have been for many of us and for our communities. We are living in a political moment characterized by fear, hostility, and ubiquitous injustice. For us, the Summer Institute is a refuge from the pain of these times, and it is also a source of strength and spiritual grounding.