• Summer Institute: July 29 - August 4, 2024. This year's theme is "Ir Miklat- City of Refuge."

Get Involved!

The National Havurah Committee has many opportunities for you to help our community thrive and grow. Whether it’s year round or retreat specific; some positions offer a small stipend, some offer work-study, and others are imperative to making our events a success!  WE cannot do this without YOU!  Below you will find a list of ongoing opportunities.  Please follow the link to each for more information.

Immediate Needs!

Please reach out to volunteer@havurah.org if you are interested

Other NHC Roles

Are you looking for a larger role in our community?  Perhaps you have a vision you would like to see come to fruition or you have been part of the NHC for years and are ready to become more involved in the planning process.  There are many amazing people who spend time throughout the year planning our retreats, doing outreach, fundraising and recruiting.  If you are interested in a year-round commitment, please click here.

Institute Leadership Roles

Institute Leadership roles often require a time commitment prior to Summer Institute as well as at Institute.  They typically coordinate with the Core Team and the Office.  From Fundraising to Volunteer Coordination, these are crucial to the Institute’s success.  To learn more about Leadership Roles at the Summer Institute, click here.

On-Site (and Online) Accessibility Roles

The NHC seeks to offer a fulfilling experience to all participants.  If you would like to be part of a team that assists participants in a hands-on manner while at Summer Institute, please click here.

Programming Roles

Our programs are what make Summer Institute memorable.  Many leave Institute with fond memories, calling it a “warm and supportive environment” and a “community that lets me be myself.”  There is some planning prior to Institute in addition to a time commitment at Institute to ensure programs run smoothly.  To learn more about Programming Roles, click here.

Set-Up & Orientation Roles

Set-up and Orientation Roles pave the way for a smooth, relaxing week at Institute for all participants!  Kicking the week off in an organized, welcoming manner will set the expectations for the week.  Helping others get acquainted can lend to a much more enjoyable experience for all!  To learn more about Set-Up and Orientation Roles, click here.

Institute Paid Positions

Some positions at Institute require intensive time and expertise, and receive a discount off of the Institute tuition price or a small stipend, depending on the role.   To learn more about these positions, click here.

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